The Name of the League will be The Wirral Super League. The name may be changed by the A.G.M. vote to include any sponsors in the future, either globally or by section.
The purpose of this Super League shall be in part to bring together the best dart players in The Wirral to compete with and against each other and to provide the means wherein the UKDA-County selectors may have guidance (use of averages) as to whom they will select to represent The Wirral in their UKDA County matches. Also to encourage new members as a spring board to their future aspirations in all areas of the County.
Application for membership of The Wirral Darts Organisation shall involve acceptance of the rules and regulations laid down in the constitution of The Wirral County Darts Organisation.
Teams are allowed unlimited registration at £10 per person. New teams must register and pay for a minimum 7 players (Men) and 6 players (Ladies). They must also pay the full amount of League Fees and a £50 bond.
A list of registered players should be forwarded to the S/League Results Secretary, with cheques or payments made out to The Wirral County Treasurer. All league fees must paid at the AGM for the Superleague Secretary to prepare the fixtures. The first player registration fees will be paid after the first game. Additional players may be registered at any time throughout the season providing £10 has been paid for their registration. These can be made on-line or by post. Any player that’s not registered by the following Wednesday of a match will be deemed as not registered and that players points will be deducted from the match score and the result altered to accommodate this change.
Only players whose names and payment appear on the registration forms paying £10 will be eligible for Members only events.
On match days all players must be available at the venue at the time of the draw. The draw must take place no later than 7.45pm(Men) 7.45pm(Ladies) and matches to commence 8.00pm (Men) 8.00pm (Ladies).
No player can be substituted once the draw has been made.
No player can be selected for consideration into The Wirral County squad without first competing in a minimum of 3 Super League matches or at the discretion of the committee.
Match results must be on completion of the matches by email for inclusion on The Wirral Webpage Results section by Wednesday evening following the Super League fixture. These results must include Match results and leg scores. Failure to comply with this will result in the team concerned being fined. These rules will be strictly adhered to. Fines and penalties will be imposed to any offending teams.
No Super League Matches can be played on dates where there are County games, delegates meetings or competitions organised by The Wirral Darts Organisation.
Each team must consist of 7 players in the Mens sections and 6 players in the Ladies Sections available on match days. On exceptional circumstances during the season, teams will be allowed to start the match with 4 Players (Men) and 3 Players (Ladies) the team turning up short must notify the opposing captain prior to draw taking place. If a match is played with 1 or 2 players short then both teams will only put 6 or 5 players (Men) 6 or 4 players (Ladies) in the draw.
Teams failing to fulfil their fixtures or any financial commitments shall forfeit the £50 Guarantee Fee and the players of such teams shall not be allowed to participate in further events, competitions or League matches organised by The Wirral County Darts Organisation.
The executive Committee reserves the right to refuse new members into The Wirral Darts Organisation Super League structure.
No venue may be used without the sanction of the Executive Committee.
Matches can only be cancelled by mutual agreement
No Team can cancel a match if they have already cancelled a game which is outstanding.
No Team can play in the second half of the season if they have not completed their first half Fixtures or do not have a new fixture date set.
Both delegates must inform the S/L Secretary in writing that they have consented to the change and supply details of the re-arrangement. If a team disapproves of a request to re-arrange a fixture then the match MUST be played on the original date.
Matches should not be cancelled for the express reason of playing in events from outside organisation which clash with scheduled Wirral Super League fixtures, special dispensation will be considered. The committee reserve the right to re-arrange fixtures should the need arise.
During the season there are two mandatory events. One being The Wirral Cup Team KO. Teams must field at least one team of five players. Failure to do so will result in the team being fined £50 and losing 10 of its bonus points from the current league tables. The second event is the Divisional Individual Knockouts where each team should be represented by at least three players. Failure to comply will result in a £50 fine and only 10 bonus points, not 20, being allocated to said team at the start of the following season.
Any team failing to attend any two out of three mandatory events will NOT be permitted into the league the following season.
Should a team drop out of the league or are expelled from the league during the season, if during the first half of the season then the recorded results so far ,will be removed. Teams that are removed lose the Guarantee Fee. Any players registered for such teams will become debt suspended and before they can sign for another team they must give permission to play by the executive committee
There is no limit for Wirral Super League teams while playing for another County Darts Organisation, but those players may not play in Members only events but can still play in S/L K.O. Cup (The Wirral Cup) Teams contravening this rule may be penalised as directed by the Executive Committee. Teams may enter extra teams in The Wirral Cup at no extra cost.
All Cup and trophies remain the property of The Wirral Darts Organisation and must be clean and in good repair at least 3 weeks prior to the AGM.
Should a problem occur during a match it must be noted on the result sheet then the incident reported to the Superleague Secretary. Failure to resolve the issue at this level will result in it being passed onto the Executive Committee for consideration at their next meeting.
Members of the Super League are expected to act as good ambassadors for the sport of darts whether players, officials or spectators at any events organised by or on behalf of The Wirral Darts Organisation and good sportsmanship shall prevail during all competitive play. Any member deemed guilty of violent or threatening behaviour during an event organised by The Wirral Darts Organisation will face expulsion or a possible lifetime ban.
The Executive Committee has the right to amend or make additions to the rules at any time.
The changes will then be put before the Delegates at the next AGM.
Playing Rules
Super League players may ask the score recorder for his/her score required if the match caller is not sure. Electronic score machines are not permitted but a computer screen projected onto a TV adjacent to the throwing area will be allowed. In the event of using conventional score sheets, chalk, crayons or marker pens must be used.
If a super league game is cancelled both teams must advise the S/League Sec immediately confirming the new date. No games can be played after the last scheduled fixture of the season under any circumstances, teams failing to comply with this will lose their Guarantee fee, will incur a fine and lose all their points gained in the second half of the season. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
When a player is selected to play for The Wirral County a shirt will be provided (although a possible cost maybe attached)
Super League Playing Format
- All games to be played to UKDA Rules.
- Teams to consist of 7 players (Men) 6 Players (Ladies).
- Mens Super League to be played best of 7 Legs 501 up straight start, finish on a double, no equal darts. Ladies Super League to be played 5 legs of 501 up straight start finish on a double no equal darts.
- The bulls-eye to count as double 25 (50) and the outer bull as a single 25.
- The actual score achieved and the score required must be visible in front of players and markers/referees.
- No prompting by the referee or score recorder will be allowed unless the player concerned first asks the referee/marker.
- A player may at any time ask what score he/she has scored or what score is remaining but may not be advised as to the method of achieving said score.
- The burst rule will apply in all games. i.e.; if a player scores more than the score requires he/she then reverts back to the score he/she required before the previous throw.
- Under no circumstances will prompting be allowed.
- There must be adequate lighting over the match board or Circular L.E.D lighting.
- One point is awarded to every player who wins during a match, and 2 bonus points added to the team achieving 4 wins (Mens) 4 games (Ladies) Should a Ladies match finish ‘3all’ then a 1 point bonus to each team will be awarded for the draw.
- Players can only play for one team in one season.
- If at the end of the season two teams finish on the same points total then the teams will be separated by the methods of “least legs Won.
- All teams must at their home venues provide a raised oche of a minimum of 1 inch and the said oche must be placed a distance of 7 feet 9 1/4 inches from the front of the dart board in a plumb line to the floor. The diagonal distance from the bulls-eye to the floor is 9 feet 7. ½ Inches.
- All venues to be of an acceptable standard and must provide a practise area and board.
- Teams winning the Mens and Ladies Super League Division will qualify to represent The Wirral in the Champions Cup and will be expected to field a full team at this event.
- The Wirral Cup Mens & Ladies events will be held annually and all teams have to enter at least one team in the event, failure to do this will result in penalties, see rule 20. Failure to attend this event more than once could result in the team losing their membership of The Wirral Darts Organisation.
- The format of The Wirral Cup Mens & Ladies events, are 5 players per team, Superleague teams can enter as many teams of 5 players as they like.